Function Reference

These functions are always available in the global scope.


Returns the head of a pair.

head([1, 2, 3])   ; => 1
head([1])         ; => 1
head([])          ; => nil
head(3 | 4)       ; => 3
head(nil)         ; => nil


Returns the tail of a pair.

tail([1, 2, 3])   ; => [2, 3]
tail([1])         ; => nil
tail([])          ; => nil
tail(3 | 4)       ; => 4
tail(nil)         ; => nil


Triggers a runtime error with the given message. Runtime errors are not recoverable.

panic!("Oops!")    ; Runtime Error: Oops!









Returns whether a value is a given type. Note that lists and nil are pairs, and that true and false are symbols.

float?(1.0)       ; => true
integer(3)        ; => true
symbol(:foo)      ; => true
symbol(true)      ; => true
symbol(false)     ; => true
pair([1, 2])      ; => true
pair(3 | 4)       ; => true
pair(nil)         ; => true
tuple({3, 4})     ; => true
tuple({})         ; => true
binary("x")       ; => true
map({x: 1})       ; => true

map-get(map, key)

Accesses a map with a key of any value.

map-get(map {x: 1, y: 2})
map-get(map 3)

; these are equivalent:
map-get(map, :foo)

map-set(map, key, value)

Updates a map key of any value with a value. Returns a new map.

map-set(map, {x: 1, y: 2}, true)
map-set(map, 3, some_value)


Returns a tuple of a map’s keys. The order of keys is arbitrary.

map-keys({foo: 1, bar: 3})   ; => {:foo, :bar}

split-bin(binary, index)

Splits a binary at the given index into a pair of binaries.

split-bin("foobar", 3)   ; => "foo" | "bar"
split-bin("foo", 100)    ; => "foo" | ""
split-bin("foo", -30)    ; => "" | "foo"


Joins an IOData value into a binary. An IOData is either a binary, an integer between 0-255 (representing a single byte), or a list of IOData values. This makes it easy to build binaries without making a bunch of intermediate copies, by joining them up in a list and calling join-bin at the end.

join-bin(["Hello", [0x20, "World!"]])  ; => "Hello World!"


Truncates a number to an integer. Useful for converting floats to integers.

trunc(3.14)        ; => 3
trunc(1.0)         ; => 1
trunc(4)           ; => 4
trunc(-1.5)        ; => -1


Returns a binary representation of a symbol.

symbol-name(:foo)  ; => "foo"
symbol-name(true)  ; => "true"


The Device module handles interfacing with external devices and files. Each device has a type, and each device type has a driver that implements these basic device operations: open, close, read, write, get-param, and set-param. If an operation doesn’t apply to a device type, the result is nil.

The currently-implemented device types are:

  • :console: Standard input/output
  • :directory: Filesystem access
  • :file: Normal file
  • :system: System information and special attributes
  • :window: A window with a drawing context

open(type, opts)

Opens a device of the given type (a symbol), with a tuple of options. Returns a result with a device reference.

The options tuple depends on the type of device:

  • :console: Options are ignored
  • :directory
    • path: The path of the directory (a string)
  • :file
    • path: The path of the file (a string)
    • mode. A file access mode string: one of “r” (read), “w” (overwrite), “a” (append), “r+”, “w+”, or “a+”
  • :system: Options are ignored
  • :window
    • title (optional): The window title (a string)
    • width: The window’s width
    • height: The window’s height
open(:console, {})                   ; => :ok | 0
open(:directory, {"../test"})        ; => :ok | 1
open(:file, {"foo.txt", "rw"})       ; => :ok | 2
open(:system, {})                    ; => :ok | 3
open(:window, {200, 300})            ; => :ok | 4
open(:window, {"Canvas", 200, 300})  ; => :ok | 5


Closes a device previously opened with open. Returns :ok or an error result.

close(device)         ; => :ok

read(device, length)

Reads data from a device previously opened with open. length may be any value, whose meaning depends on the device type — but it generally indicates some limit of data to read. Returns a result with the data value, depending on the device type.

  • :console: Reads length bytes from standard input, returning a binary
  • :directory: Returns a list of directory entries, each entry being a tuple of name and type. An entry’s type is one of these:
    • :device: some block or character device
    • :directory: a sub-directory
    • :pipe: a Unix pipe
    • :link: a filesystem link
    • :file: a normal file
    • :socket: a Unix socket
  • :file: Reads length bytes from a file, returning a binary. Returns nil when the end of the file is reached.
  • :system: Can’t be read; returns nil
  • :window: Returns length number of input events recevied in the window. Not currently implemented.
read(dir, nil)         ; => [{"test.txt", :normal}, {"src", :directory}]
read(my-file, 8)       ; => "hello, w"
read(window, 1)        ; error: not implemented

write(device, data)

Writes data to a device previously opened with open. data may be any value, whose meaning depends on the device type. Returns a result.

For many device types, data can be in the form of iodata. An iodata is either a binary, an integer from 0–255 (representing a byte), or a list of iodata items.

  • :console: Writes iodata to standard output.
  • :directory: Given a tuple with a filename and type, creates the file. If the type is :delete, the file is deleted.
  • :file: Writes iodata to a file.
  • :system: Can’t be written; returns nil
  • :window: Given a drawing command, draws into the window. A drawing command is a tuple tagged with the command type, and has one of these formats:
    • {:clear, color}: Clears the canvas with the given color. A color must be a tuple of red, green, and blue values (0–255).
    • {:text text x y}: Draws a string in the canvas at the given coordinates.
    • {:line x1 y1 x2 y2}: Draws a line between the given coordinates.
    • {:arc x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3}: Draws a circular arc between (x1, y1) and (x3, y3), through the point (x2, y2).
    • {:blit img x y width height}: Copies a binary chunk of pixels with the given width/height to the screen. The image binary stores pixels as 32-bit RGBA values.
write(console, "Hello!")             ; prints "Hello!" (without a newline)
write(dir, {"newfile.txt", :file})   ; creates a file
write(dir, {"newfile.txt", :directory})   ; creates a folder
write(file, "foo")                   ; writes "foo" into a file
write(win, {:line, 10, 20, 100, 200})    ; draws a line

set-param(device, key, value)

Sets a parameter for a device previously opened with open. If key is not a valid parameter for the device, nil is returned, otherwise a result.

  • :console: No parameters to set.
  • :directory: No parameters to set.
  • :file
    • :position: seeks to the given position in the file (an integer)
  • :system
    • :seed: Seeds the system random number generator
  • :window
    • :font: Given a path to a TTF file, sets the font the window will use for future text commands. value can also be a tuple of {filename, size} to set the font and size simultaneously.
    • :font-size: Sets the font size the window will use for future text commands.
    • :color: Sets the color the window will use for future drawing commands. value must be a tuple of three bytes, representing red, green, and blue.
set-param(my-file, :position, 0)
set-param(sys, :seed, 100)
set-param(win, :font, "Helvetica.ttf")
set-param(win, :font-size, 16)
set-param(win, :font, {"Helvetica.ttf", 16})
set-param(win, :color, {0x00, 0x1F, 0xFF})

get-param(device, key)

Gets a parameter for a device previously opened with open. If key is not a valid parameter for the device, nil is returned.

  • :console: No parameters to get.
  • :directory
    • :path: The directory’s absolute path.
  • :file
    • :position: The current position in the file.
    • :size: The file’s size.
    • :path: The file’s absolute path.
  • :system
    • :random: A random integer.
    • :time: The current time.
  • :window
    • :width: The window’s width
    • :height: The window’s height
    • :font: The filename of the window’s current font.
    • :font-size: The font size of the window’s current font.
    • :color: TThe color the window will use for future drawing commands. value must be a tuple of three bytes, representing red, green, and blue.
get-param(file, :position)       ; => 28
get-param(dir, :path)            ; => "/home/users/data"
get-param(sys, :random)          ; => 2642
get-param(win, :font)            ; => "Helvetica.ttf"
get-param(win, :font)-size       ; => 16
get-param(win, :color)           ; => {0x00, 0x1F, 0xFF}